It’s been a week since the release of the IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 Plus; in general, The IPhone has been known to be quite a fragile device which is prone to cracking, smashing, getting scratched and that is why we protect our beloved phones with screen protectors and covers, but we never had our phones bend before, yes, you heard me.. BEND!
It has been reported that the IPhone 6 Plus bends according to one distressed user who noticed the unusual feature after sitting for a long while with the phone in his pocket.
Several images are circulating around the worldwide web and social media platforms showing the interesting new feature.
It’s been claimed that due to the phone being extra-large while extra thin at the same time it has resulted in it being not having enough strength in proportion to its length.
This feature would have been fine, not to mention useful, if it had been stated by Apple that this was a legitimate feature but considering that it wasn’t with their prestige and prices it became a big issue and a very laughable matter,
Nevertheless, Apple is Apple, people will continue to love you and buy your products no matter what, and everybody makes mistakes, we forgive you.
Earlier this week, Apple reportedly sold a record-breaking ten million units of IPhone 6 and IPhone 6 Plus; they both offer larger screens, larger memory, better processor and a better camera.