We have finally launched our eagerly awaited site! After 2 years of operation, we’ve been focusing solely on client projects we almost forgot about our own website – well now it’s here and we hope you like it. There is a lot of info on here and it’s aimed at anyone interested in finding out a bit more about what we do – clients, partners, potential candidates, or anyone interested in technology. We are perfectionists, so it’ll be updated regularly with what we’re up to, and any new services we provide as we go along. If you have any comments, please feel free to post comments on our blog or email info@bright-creations.com and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. You can also follow us on Twitter or Facebook – we’ll be posting things regularly to keep you up to date on our news, what’s going on in the technology industry, some nit bits about any techie stuff we come across that might be useful and sharing our views on anything locally in Egypt, back in London and globally.
It’s exciting times! Enjoy.