The Rise of Open Source

Embracing new technologies may well propel you beyond your larger competitors, cutting back on the time spent on ancient bureaucratic procedures, protecting your data and allowing you to worry about the more important matters. Whether it’s an HR, accounting or stock monitoring system, Open Source has you covered with a plethora of functionality which will make even the most complex tasks a mere walk in the park.

And just in case that wasn’t enough, technology has you covered for marketing too. With the rise of social media it’s never been easier to reach your target audience online at marginal costs. Build your brand awareness on platforms which contain 700 million users globally, analyse the traffic your website gets in ways which were previously unimaginable, set well defined goals and collect intelligence about your achievements.

Gone are the days where big companies owned the markets through shear economic power, with the rise of Open Source technologies and social media, the smaller players have been empowered with industry standard systems at affordable prices and a contact list even Richard Branson would be jealous of!

Now the big question is; what are you going to do with all that power?