We at Bright Creations are always on the lookout for creative minds to join our team, the latest one being me. One would think that starting your new job right after a 3-week vacation isn’t a bad thing. But we all know that the universe usually doesn’t play accordingly and most of the times it just completely ignores my rules. Because it was very noisy at the airport, I barely heard that nice lady announce the delay of my flight, let alone the exact time of the delayed flight or the reason for it being late. After walking around the airport for a bit, I finally found a screen that would tell me something I wasn’t prepared for … 4 hours delay.
At this moment I think it’s fair to admit that while I was on vacation I didn’t open a single newspaper, nor did I watch a single news show on TV, so obviously I had no idea what was happening. The smart person that I sometimes am I did some research using my even smarter phone ; -) The results of my research weren’t delightful… strike at Cairo International Airport. Just when I got used to the fact that I’ll spend some more time at the airport another 2 hours were added. This was a good time to tell my new boss that there might be a problem with me starting at 9 the following day. Lucky me he was really cool about it and offered me to come late if I needed to.
Long story short, I made it back to Cairo and went to the office, only an hour late. I felt very welcome right from the beginning the second I set foot in the office everyone already knew my name which made me feel a little like a rock star and let’s be honest, who doesn’t like to feel like a rock star every once in a while ; -)
The easiest way for me to remember names is through direct interaction with a person and as you can probably imagine, being the new one in the office I have to learn lots of new names as opposed to everyone else having to memorize only mine. After a week I can confidently say that I remember pretty much exactly 10 names out of 30+. Two very name intense weeks and I’ll know all of them, hopefully. Apart from the fact that I’m bad with names, I also have to learn a lot about the industry, that’s what happens if you think studying something business related with a fancy name is enough. Maybe I can convince them to have a weekly class for me, something like “Things you need to know 101”. At times I felt like all the information that was put in my head might cause it to implode and poof from that moment on I’d run around with a black hole where my head used to be. But then again, I’m certain of the fact that probably everyone who starts a job in a for them unexplored industry must feel the same way and if not, they’re probably not telling the entire truth ; -)
Probably the best way to give you a feel of my first week here at Bright Creations is to tell you that I, a person who loves to sleep in, enjoys waking up early to get to work very much and no, I’m not too motivated or anything, I just found an exciting job with amazing colleagues with me right in the middle : -)