CitJo is the first Arabic language citizen journalism portal worldwide and Bright Creations designed and developed the online platform.
Google, together with Basis Research conducted almost 15,000 face to face interviews in Ghana, Kenya, Senegal, South Africa, Uganda and Nigeria to gather information about media usage, internet usage, mobile, activities, eCommerce and online attitude in those countries.
Insights Africa is an interactive tool providing critical data about the online behavior of urban consumers in Sub-Saharan Africa.
MBC FM is a radio app designed for MBC that allows the user to listen to their favorite radio channels, know all program details, presenter details, discuss important topics, and many more amazing features.
Car7araj is a website designed & developed by Bright Creations that allows for automotive trade between potential buyers and car dealerships.
The design of the website is very simple, structured and minimalist; it shows the rich variety of new and used cars of multiple brands as well as being in line with the Car7araj’s logo and brand identity.
When we were approached by IRG, they wanted us to find the perfect design that highlights all of their brands the same way while at the same time maintaining an easy to use website for the user.
Al-Ismaelia is a real estate development company in Cairo, Egypt that needed to build their online presence. Bright Creations designed & developed their brand new website with picturesque images & a vintage feel.
MBC Wanasah is a mobile app designed & developed by Bright Creations that allows you to stream live TV, the latest songs and playlists, images and videos which you can always download and share with your friends.
ECOWREX is a web-based platform whose main objective is to provide decision
makers, project developers, investors and other stakeholders with tailored
information and planning tools relevant for the development of RE and EE
technology in West Africa.
Our role was to restructure and rebuild the current data model to accommodate for changing indicator models and ECOWAS country profiles and the revamp the overall look of the portal.