Next week marks an almost historic day for Cairenes. On March 20th 2010 a force so powerful was unleashed upon us – the ever so dull and under-entertained folks of Cairo town – that we can’t help but put on some party hats and our most glamorous outfits to celebrate this big day. What occasion other than Cairo 360’s birthday could put us in such a celebratory mood?
We know that most of the credit goes to, as Cairoscene nicely puts it, the gentle giant Waseem, father of our city’s best manual and his little helpers. If his little elves weren’t doing all their elfish work, mainly providing us with the best (and worst) there is in this city of ours, Cairo would be an abyss of unimaginable horror, but please, let’s not go there, it gives us the shivers just touching this subject.
Relationships with relatives are something that is loathed by many and practiced by few, lucky us, Egypt is a bit more relaxed when it comes to these kind of “partnerships”. To many Waseem is seen as the caring single parent who is watching his beloved child grow older and without a doubt, he is doing a brilliant job, almost as if his little child were brought up by more than “just” a father.
Many have heard of her, and only a selected few have seen her, but she does exist, the loving mother of Yes, “she” is technically not a real person but rather Cairo 360’s sister company and tech support, and yes, that is us, Bright Creations. Together, we’re acting as a loving and caring parent for the child we brought into the world together. Cairo 360 is our baby too (just saying) and we are proud of having been there from the beginning. It feels just like yesterday when we put on that cute little green dress to present her to the public and now, almost three years later when we went for the whole nine yards of doing a complete makeover we’re still happy and proud and:
All there is left to say is happy birthday and all the best for the next three years to Papa Waseem and his little elves!